Friday, 7 November 2008

FHM-age my X-Rated job for FHM magazine continues to keep me in Monster Munch - this one's from the latest issue - I think it's called the butterfly? Although I could be wrong...I gave her a nice Winehouse style-y beehive...

Oaklands college poster...'s one of a proposed series of posters for the Additional Learning Support department of Oaklands college bigging up dyslexia...I also did the logo!!! Oh yes...

Healthy Working Partnership contd...'s some sketches for the 'Healthy Working' folk...These were worked up into 4 ft free standing figures used to provide a barrier for the stand...

...and here is a design for a promotional postcard - sheets of cothes were given away alongside this and a female them things you used to get in the 70s!

going all corporate...

Hello! I have been busy of late doing a bit of 'identity' work...Here was the holding page for a start-up company specialising in occupational health! Just an excuse to play with fuzzy-felt really... well as doing all their stationary, I also designed the stand for a trade exhibition (which won them the accolade of 'best small stand in show'!!!)...