Thursday, 13 September 2007

I like to read mine in my 'office'!

Hello friend!!!
...for those in the know, my zine based on the hippy bible 'The Joy of Sex' is done, printed and dispatched!
...certified as being a 'great read' - mostly by me - you'll be able to get hold of one soon, when I get me shop sorted out...with PAYPAL and all that shit!!!
Mr Cowface.

...bigger bottom!

...hopefully you can click on this one to enlarge it...???

Missed deadline!

Hello friend! is a little thing I did for a recent's a bit cramped but it doesn't matter as I missed the deadline due to my printer going haywire!!! So no-one can judge me or my work ethic!!! WAHOO!

*note the slightly differing styles between the top and bottom halves...*