Friday, 10 August 2007

New zine...coming soon!!!

Hello! I am still wondering who you are..??? Anyway, I am currently trying to sort out a new zine - yes, it is unashamedly based on the joy of sex - in time for a friend's art fair in a couple of weeks time! Oh yes...the badges are in the post too! A rather nifty set of 4 plus the image above...You never know...this may lead to the grand opening of my on-line 'shop' at long last???

Thursday, 2 August 2007

...and, finally, here's one of a series of Authors I've been doing...don't know why, or who possibly wants to buy them..??? RIP Mr it goes...'s a sneaky look at a series of images I've been doing for a promotional calender...This is May's...and features a very Pagan Luton Town Centre..., as I've just put a link from my site to here bigging up all the 'new stuff' I've been doing I s'pose I'd better upload some of it...? Just in case someone ever sees it and offers me paid work!!!

The picture above is a character called Unca Scud that I've been meaning to turn into a strip for about three years now...God! I'm a quick mover....Anyway...this is him...Stay tuned for some of his 'adventures' soon...

...I'll put another couple of posts on too...Aintchoo lucky???? Eh???