Monday, 17 December 2007

'tis the season etcetera etcetera is a drawing done for an 'e-card' that I've just finished and sent off to some very lucky recipients...yes, it is a bit of a Haddon Sundblom rip-off (or homage as us plagierists like to say)...but with a cow-mask...and an IKEA hand puppet called 'Sammy'!!!

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Just done this for my dear friends at The Propstore of's for their Christmas card...see???

Remembrance day...image for promotional calender... based on that uncomfortable feeling of having an army veteran pin a poppy to your chest in the beautiful Arndale Centre, Luton...

Thursday, 1 November 2007

FHM job!!!

PLUS!!! I got a job from FHM magazine after I sent a copy of my dirty book 'The Joy of Cowface' to the AD...this should be in December's issue which is out very soon!!! There's two more...and I got the gig this month too...WAHOO!!! I ain't got paid yet tho..???


Hey! So look who I saw at the Affordable Art Fair the other week...BTW his organ seemed to shrink from fright...(picture courtesy of Miss Gemma Partridge)

...okay, this is the one I did right at the end painting over all the dark ones...I love Amy w!!!

Catch-up with Cowface

Hello!!! Here's a pic I did recently of Amy Winehouse and her no-good was based on a newspaper article and I did about ten versions of it, trying to make it more dark as it went on...This is the second one...

Thursday, 13 September 2007

I like to read mine in my 'office'!

Hello friend!!!
...for those in the know, my zine based on the hippy bible 'The Joy of Sex' is done, printed and dispatched!
...certified as being a 'great read' - mostly by me - you'll be able to get hold of one soon, when I get me shop sorted out...with PAYPAL and all that shit!!!
Mr Cowface.

...bigger bottom!

...hopefully you can click on this one to enlarge it...???

Missed deadline!

Hello friend! is a little thing I did for a recent's a bit cramped but it doesn't matter as I missed the deadline due to my printer going haywire!!! So no-one can judge me or my work ethic!!! WAHOO!

*note the slightly differing styles between the top and bottom halves...*

Friday, 10 August 2007

New zine...coming soon!!!

Hello! I am still wondering who you are..??? Anyway, I am currently trying to sort out a new zine - yes, it is unashamedly based on the joy of sex - in time for a friend's art fair in a couple of weeks time! Oh yes...the badges are in the post too! A rather nifty set of 4 plus the image above...You never know...this may lead to the grand opening of my on-line 'shop' at long last???

Thursday, 2 August 2007

...and, finally, here's one of a series of Authors I've been doing...don't know why, or who possibly wants to buy them..??? RIP Mr it goes...'s a sneaky look at a series of images I've been doing for a promotional calender...This is May's...and features a very Pagan Luton Town Centre..., as I've just put a link from my site to here bigging up all the 'new stuff' I've been doing I s'pose I'd better upload some of it...? Just in case someone ever sees it and offers me paid work!!!

The picture above is a character called Unca Scud that I've been meaning to turn into a strip for about three years now...God! I'm a quick mover....Anyway...this is him...Stay tuned for some of his 'adventures' soon...

...I'll put another couple of posts on too...Aintchoo lucky???? Eh???

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

...yep-yep-yep!!! Had a few issues with the first one...I am beginning to realise that I need to embrace things that I sometimes see as a weakness...Love that TV!!!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Hello!!! Here is the final thrilling instalment of that comic thing...was it worth the wait??? In the words of that bloke off Big Brother "YOU DECIDE!!!"

...I'll give you a clue...probably not.

Friday, 13 July 2007 two pages...
...only one left...Can you take the suspense???

Here's the first of a 4 pager that I'm doing for EYESORE #3 - if it ever comes out!!!

As it's going to be black & white I thought I'd put up the colour version on here...For some reason the second page's colour was all fucked up?? I'll stick that up later...I bet you can't wait???

Hopefully I can start doing this sort of thing a bit more regularly...??? Then someone will see it and give me a job!!!! Ho-Ho!

Thursday, 28 June 2007


...better late than never - here is my tenuous addition to this week's illustration friday topic...a tiger in disguise...wearing a tiger mask! What a day!

Friday, 8 June 2007

IF: suit

IF: your paradise

...paradise? A stripey donkey, a lad in a cow face and the bracing chill of an Exmouth Bank Holiday...Bliss!!!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Cars!!! I'm not very good at drawing cars so this weeks topic was a good'un for me...Out came the trusty '50s Ads' book and inspiration struck while flicking through the glossy images of idealistic consumer-led America...I'd picture the tag line as something along the lines of..."Take them all with you with a Ford Edsel..."

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

New Postcard???'s a picture I'm messing about with to try to get some work...Might have to stretch him out a bit...? I've got a watercolour version on me website but I thought it'd be good to try and make it a bit more in keeping with some of the stuff I'm trying to do at the moment...

Sunday, 20 May 2007

IF: SIGNS (Burning Bush)

Hello! I've just been 'turned on' to the wonderful illustration friday...Here's my take on this weeks topic, "Signs". See? Wouldn't it be nice...? Feel free to leave some scathing critiques...